Vertrauen ist die Basis CFR FIRETEC Extinguishing systems made of plastic

Applicable for fire-fighting pipe systems
Corrosion resistance
Excellent processing capability
Excellent pressure and temperature resistancet

Trust is the basis Trust is the basis
Quality made in Germany Quality made in Germany
Bänninger Kunststoff-Produkte GmbH


Bänninger is a dynamic, owner-managed company with a rich tradition and a clear strategic orientation towards the goal of meeting the requirements of the market to a high degree, now and in the future.

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Bänninger has expertise, which has grown over many years, in the fields of materials, production and quality, application, support and logistics. They are the foundation for a complete range of services.

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Bänninger is a partner to the experts. We support the planner with CAD data, technical information and provide the complete product catalogue, brochures, certificates and other interesting information.

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Bänninger Kunststoff-Produkte GmbH



Fittings made of PVC-U
for almost all liquid media

to material »

PE 100

Fittings of PE 100
for a safe supply at gas and water

to material »


Pipes and Fittings made of PP-R
for the environmental friendly supply
of drinking water

to material »


Pipes and moulded Fittings made of PP-RCT
for higher pressure at higher temperature levels

to material »

PP industrial

Pipes and Fittings made of PP-Industrial
for several industrial applications

to material »


You can find the related accessories here for
PVC-U, PE 100, PP-R, PP-RCT and PP industrial.

Information about accessories »


Reiskirchen, Juni 2023

225 Tonnen schwere Investition

Neue Spritzgussmaschine optimiert Energieverbrauch und Lieferzeit


Die Firma Bänninger Kunststoff-Produkte GmbH aus Reiskirchen, ein...

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Berlin/Dresden/Reiskirchen, April 2022

Erstmals Druckrohre aus Polyethylen (PE) mit kurzfaserverstärkter PE-Zwischenschicht DINplus zertifiziert

Zertifikatsübergabe für Rohre vom Typ BLACKTECplus...

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Trade fairs & dates


Date Event
13.-17.05.2024 IFAT
22.+23.05.2024 Data Centre World
05.+06.06.2024 2. Kasseler Trinkwassertagung
25.09.2024 15. Studien- und Berufsorientierungstag
25.-26.09.2024 12. Nordbayerischen Trinkwassertagung
26.-28.11.2024 HEATEXPO
03.+04.12.2024 Meister-Erfahrungsaustausch

Bänninger TV

The new glassfiber reinforced pipe made of PE100 with less linear expansion.